Humor: Dirt Rider's Meme Gallery

Riding isn't all about being competitive, it's about having fun as well. And what's a little fun without some Internet humor? Occasionally, Dirt Rider staffers will create memes and blast them around the office (hey, it helps us to get through the really heavy deadline weeks), and at some point we decided to share a few of our favorites with you. All of the memes here are originals created by Dirt Rider, but many of them were inspired by hilarious memes that we've seen floating around out there....and boy, are there some funny ones! If you've got a funny meme—either that you made yourself or that someone sent you—feel free to share it with us at If we like it (and if it isn't offensive—remember, this is a family show!), we may include it in a future gallery!

How To Save Memes:

  1. Screenshot 'em from your phone. Or, hold down on image and select "save image" on iPhones.

  2. On your Mac:

  • Control & click (or right-click with mouse), "save image as".
  1. On your PC:
  • Right-click, "save image as".
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff
Dirt Rider MemesBy DR Staff