400 Tips & Tricks | Part 38

Key Advice Every Rider Should Know

The June 2016 issue marked Dirt Rider's 400th issue, and to mark the milestone we put together 400 tips that might save the day, or just make the day go easier. We thought we'd show them to you again online, ten at a time, to help instill the wisdom into your brain so when the time comes you hear an expert bit of advice in your head.

Note: Tips that came from a specific source will have an attribute listed. Tips with no attribute have been pulled from Dirt Rider's extensive library of content, including back issues of the magazine, dirtrider.com, and The Total Dirt Rider Manual. Enjoy!

400 Tips & Tricks | Part 38Dirt Rider
  1. Need to remove an engine stud? Snug two nuts together and loosen or tighten with them.

  2. Don't jump a motorcycle battery from a car battery; it's too much power and can ruin the bike's battery or electrical system.

  3. Beware going smaller on a front sprocket. Too small and the sharp turn of the chain will wear it out faster.

  4. Don't lock up your front brake mid-air. Your landing will be either squirrelly, lucky, or on YouTube.

  5. Recharge a dead battery as soon as you can; don't leave it discharged for long or it will likely ruin the battery.

  6. Take a water bottle in addition to your hydration pack; it will come in handy for a bike-to-bike fuel transfer.

  7. So it doesn't chafe during riding, Chad Reed's mechanic Shane Drew puts baby powder on the inner tube when changing a tube. "Especially if it's new. I put the baby powder in the tire and then roll it around."

  8. Reset your torque wrench to zero between uses.

  9. When bleeding a brake, tap on the brake line to loosen bubbles inside the system.

  10. BEGINNER TIP: Motorcycle grips differ from bicycle or quad grips. They have a larger inner diameter for the throttle tube side.