I often get picked on because of my low-budget racing. My bikes are always purchased used and are almost always stock. My tires are usually worn, and my number plates are printed at home on my computer and are taped on with clear packaging tape the morning of the race. At one super-muddy race last year I actually borrowed a single tear off lens from a friend and taped it over my goggles with duct tape since my goggles didn't have a tear off-compatible lens. I got a second-place start, got covered with mud and pulled the lens after a few corners and couldn't believe how well it worked. Who knew?Even with my low budget I have become a competitive A-level rider in my local hare scramble and enduro series. This year I have been inspired by a few people and also by last month's Jimmy-Rigged column. Motorcycling is what I love to do, and it is what I want to support. This year I'm going to do more trail work, ride more events and take advantage of all the opportunities I can. I'm also finally going to spend more money on tires, goggles with tear offs, and I am even considering getting my suspension done.My question is, have you ever done any tests on stock suspension versus suspension that is dialed in to a particular rider to see just how much difference it makes? I've always read that getting your suspension tuned is the best thing you can do to your motorcycle.**Tracy Matulonis
White River Junction, VT**
Right after making sure your bike is mechanically tight, the tires come in a close second for what to spend money on. Suspension work is right up there, and keeping the fluid fresh is as important-if not more important-than a revalve. Then, yes, a revalve makes a lot of sense because if the tuner or shop is quality, it is customized for you. Most of the time revalves done specifically for me have been an improvement, and if they weren't, the shop would redo it until we got it right, usually for free or a minimal charge. Oh, and great job on the lens trick...that sounds like a Trail Tip! -Jimmy Lewis