[ Randsburg, California
www.randsburg.comClick here to find out more about visiting Randsburg, Mojave's living ghost town.Off-road Motorcycle Tour Companies Listing compiled by Lee Klancher E-mail corrections or additions to Lee at lklancher@attbi.comAlaska Motorcycle Adventures
P O Box 2033
Palmer, AK 99645
Email: info@rentalaska.com
Phone: 800-507-4459; 907/376-4514
Summary: 9- and 15-day guided road-oriented tours of Alaska and the Yukon. Rents Kawasaki KLR650, BMW 650s & 1150s
Alaska Rider Tours
Phil Freeman
P.O. Box 1392
Girdwood, AK 99587
Email: dualsport@akrider.com
Website: www.akrider.com
Phone: 800/756-1990; 907/783-1990
Summary: Dual-sport tours of Alaska from Anchorage to Mt. McKinley, Valdez, and other Alaskan destinations
AdMo Tours
Uwe Diemer
P.O. Box 1803
Wrightwood, CA 92397-1803
Email: office@admo-tours.com
Website: www.admo-tours.com
Phone: 760/249-1105
Summary: Dual-sport tours (DRZ400 & DRZ400S) of Mojave Desert, Transylvania, Patagonia, and other destinations around the world
Backroads Adventures
2219 Michel Road
Cranbrook, BC V16C 6W5
Website: www.backroadsadventures.ca
Phone: 800/565-7730
Summary: Dual-sport tours (DRZ400S) in the Canadian Rockies; also offers cross-British Columbia tour and street-oriented mountain tours on Suzuki Bandits & V-Stroms
Baja Off-Road Adventures
3950 Miraloma Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92806
Email: info@bajaoffroad.com
Website: www.bajaoffroad.com
Phone: 714/637-5770
Summary: Off-road tours in Baja
Bob Duffey's Southwestern New Mexico Motorcycle & ATV Tours
Email: bobduffey@zianet.com
Website: www.zianet.com/bobduffey
Phone/Fax: 505/523-1700
Summary: Dual-sport & ATV tours in New Mexico; bring your own motorcycle
Bull Run Outfitting & Guest Ranch
Email: jbtripp@bullrunguestranch.com
Website: www.ridemontana.com
Phone: 800/966-9269
Summary: Off-road motorcycle, dual-sport, and ATV adventures on 15,000-acre ranch
Honda CRF230F & licensed XR400R
Chris Haines Motorcycle Adventure Company
P.O. Box 966
Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678
Email: hainestours@aol.com
Website: www.motorcycleadventurecompany.com
Phone: 866/262-8635; 949/218-9941
Fax: 949/218-9942
Summary: Off-road motorcycle & ATV tours in Baja. Street tours in Southern California, some celebrity rides.
Elite Motorcycle Tours
1310 Murphy Lane
Moab, Utah 84532
Email: elitetours@frontiernet.net
Website: www.elitemotorcycletours.com
Phone: 888/778-0358; 435/259-7621
Fax: 435/259-4645
Summary: Off-road motorcycle tours in Moab, Utah, and SW Colorado.
KTM four-strokes
Website: www.motoventures.com
Phone: 909/767-0991
Summary: Multi-day, dual sport motorcycle tours (KDX200 and KLX300R), specialized "trials" riding, and dirt bike rider training in Southern California and Arizona
Pancho Villa Moto-Tours
4510 Highway 281 North #3
Spring Branch, Texas 78070
Email: info@panchovilla.com
Website: www.panchovilla.com
Phone: 800/233-0564; 830/438-7744
Fax: 830/438-7745
Summary: Dual-sport expedition tours of Mexico, Central America, and South America
Steve Hatch Motorcycle Adventures
Website: www.stevehatchadventures.com
Phone: 480/488-8529
Summary: Off-road tours in Arizona; caters to all skill levels; one-day tours and longer destination rides; off-road racer Steve Hatch goes along on some of the tours
Trail Boss Tours
2033-B San Elijo Ave #400
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 920071
Email: info@trailbosstours.com
Phone: 888/228-6878
Summary: Dual-sport trips in Baja California, Death Valley, Sierra Nevada's, northern California, Nevada, and the Pacific Northwest
Utah Moto
Chris & Tim Collins
Email: info@utahmoto.com
Phone: 801/836-1114
Summary: Hard-core off-road tours is southwestern Utah, including infamous Five Miles of Hell trail
Vegas Offroad Inc.
1640 Foot Hill Drive Suite 103
Boulder City, NV 89005
Email: vegasoffroad@aol.com
Website: www.vegasoffroad.com
Phone: 702/293-1033
Summary: Off-road motorcycle (KTM 380EXC & 380MXC) tours in the Las Vegas area