The Gila National Forest recently released the draft assessment report for feedback as part of the Forest Plan Revision process. The Gila National Forest highly encourages feedback on the draft assessment report and participation moving forward. Community meetings have been scheduled in late October to early November 2016 to discuss assessment key findings on ecological, social, and economic topics, collaborate to determine needs-for-change to the current plan, and to continue the dialogue between the Forest and nearby residents, users, and interested individuals.
Community meetings will occur on the following dates and locations. Meetings are open house style so people can drop in anytime during the meeting.
The revised Forest Plan will describe the strategic direction for management of forest resources for the next fifteen years on the Gila National Forest.
To download a copy of the draft assessment report, please visit the Forest Plan Revision website at For further information, contact Matt Schultz, Forest Planner, 575-388-8280 or