New Riding Gear From Shift MX

2017 Shift MX Gear Intro & Party

Shift just had its 2017 gear intro and to promote the company’s philosophy of having fun on dirt bikes, they hosted the Holeshot 100 event, where they put celebrities and some pros on dirt bikes and let them go head to head off of a starting gate in a bracket holeshot match. The problem was the gear intro was at the Fox and Shift offices in Irvine, not at a track… so they just hauled in some dirt and created a start straight beside the building.

The celebrity race was won by Logan Lackey, son of Brad Lackey and famous in his own right as a Harley Davidson stunt/wheelie rider. The pro bracket was taken by Josh Hansen.

As for the gear, Shift has two main lines for 2017, the Black Label and the White Label. They have several colorways of both, but the exciting news is that the white label is priced under one hundred dollars for the pant and jersey, and that line has two different design styles. Gloves for both lines are available in Air and Pro, depending on how light you like your glove.

Black Label on the black, White Label on the sides, with Recon gear at the top right.Photo by Pete Peterson
The White Label line gets you a jersey and pant for under a hundred bucks.Photo by Pete Peterson
The Black Label line is their performance build with flexibility and light weight in mind.Photo by Pete Peterson
The Holeshot 100 was a fun idea – truck in just enough dirt for a two-rider start straight and set up a doghouse and two gates.Photo by Pete Peterson
Logan Lackey took the Celebrity belt.Photo by Pete Peterson
And Josh Hansen took home the pro belt.Photo by Pete Peterson