HRC Honda Racing CRF250R Accessories - Dirt Rider Magazine

Just the name HRC has an allure of exclusivity to motorcycle riders. From the days of pure works factory bikes, if it was a Honda, it was assumed to be HRC. And you could not have it, even for a price. OK, there were some things you could get, but you'd be hard pressed to do it without connections. Well, American Honda has seen a need for high-end accessories for its own bike and wanted to be part of it, despite feeling it delivers the best bike it possibly can in stock condition. Big Red knows riders are going to spend money modifying its bikes, and it wants to at least be able to play in that game, too.

Enter the line of HRC components for your CRF, available at your local Honda dealer. Although there is very little in the way of radical performance-altering changes, the stuff is trick, exclusive and pricey. But for being underwhelmingly close to stock parts in dimension and performance gains claimed, we had way better than advertised gains with the exhaust system, for instance. We hardly noticed any handling change from the same-as-stock-dimension triple clamp, nor did any of the blingy little red plugs for the engine help the bike pull any harder. Neither did the swapping of materials (magnesium for the ignition cover since it is less weight than stock, and aluminum for the clutch cover since it is more durable) make the bike pull any extra holeshots. Yet we did not get the chance to smash anything into the covers to truly test the concept. The white color change to the covers was the biggest giveaway, and the color was remarkably durable in high-traffic foot-rubbing zones. The aluminum glide plate is functional and lightweight. And the wheel spacers, all red anodized goodness of them, just seemed wasted on stock wheels. Basically put, the stuff was trick, fit perfectly (except for the unlucky alignment issues with the threaded plugs where some ended up with the HRC logo upside down or sideways) and carried that once elusive HRC trickness to a regular Joe's machine.

It sure felt factory. We actually took the bike out on a couple of test days and told riders it was an HRC works bike when in fact all it had was the listed here parts and a high-compression (Cosworth) piston inside the engine. In back-to-back riding with a full-on Pro Circuit race bike ("Full-Race Spec," May '10) some riders thought the HRC bike performed better. The power of imagination. Or is there secret sauce in this stuff? We may never know. -Jimmy Lewis

Magnesium ACG cover, 08F48-KRN-100A: $179.95

Clutch cover, 08F48-KRN-100B: $109.95

Rear brake adjuster clevis, 08F83-KRN-110B: $44.95

Front master cylinder cap, 08F83-KRN-120: $34.95

Rear master cylinder cap, 08F83-KRN-120A: $32.95

Full exhaust, 08F88-KRN-100: $1,999.95

Billet dipstick, 08F89-KRN-110C: $34.95

Engine cover inspection plug (R/L), 08F89-KRN-120A: $54.95

Oil filler cap, 08F89-KRN-120B: $24.95

Skid plate, 08P51-KRN-100: $89.95

Rear master cylinder guard, 08P55-KRN-100: $34.95

Front brake line clamp, 08P83-KRN-120A: $34.95

Triple clamp set, 08U72-KRN-100B: $799.95

Oversize handlebar holder, 08U72-KRN-110: $97.95

Front wheel spacer set, (RH/LH), 08W45-KRN-120A: $39.95

Rear wheel spacer set, 08W45-KRN-120B: $34.95

Quick-adjust axle blocks, 08W47-KRN-120A: $49.95

Hard Parts 90.0
Installation 18/20
Function 49/50
Durability 9/10
Design 8/10
Price 6/10
See your local Honda dealer
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